1. Pulmonary Resection for Solitary Metastatic Sarcomas and Carcinomas, Univ. Hosp. Bull., Ann Arbor 12: 117-118, 1946; Surg.;Alexander;Gynec. & Obst.,1947
2. Surgical Treatment of the Solitary Lung Metastasis;Effler;J. Thoracic Surg.,1948
3. Seiler, H. H.: Pulmonary Resection for Metastatic Malignancy, Thesis, Graduate School of the University of Minnesota, 1948, 142 pp.
4. Eine Studie über den operativem Pneumothorax in Anschluss an einen Fall von Lungen resection wegen Brustwandsarkom;Gerulanos;Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir.,1898
5. Sedillot: Quoted by Gemlanos.4