1. Project JXTA homepage, http://www.jxta.org/
2. Xbow, http://www.xbow.com
3. S. Krco, Bluetooth based wireless sensor networks—implementation issues and solutions, Invited Paper, Proceeding of the Telecommunication Forum Telfor02, Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro, Nov. 2002.
4. F. Siegemund, C. Floerkemeier, H. Vog, The value of handhelds in smart environments, 17th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems—Organic and Pervasive Computing (ARCS 2004), LNCS No. 2981, Augsburg, Germany, March 23–26, 2004.
5. J. Schiller, Scatterweb: a WSN platform for research and teaching, Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications Workshop, Dagstuhl, Germany, March 2004.