1. Arnstein, S.R., 1969. A Ladder of Citizen Participation, J. Am. Plan. Assoc., 35(4), 216–224; also accessible at http://lithgow-schmidt.dk/sherry-arnstein/ladder-of-citizen-participation.html (site visited August 2006).
2. Brown, J.P., 1990. No Safe Place: Toxic Waste, Leukemia, and Community Action. University of California
3. Craig, D., Brooks, R., 2006. Plundering the Public Sector: how new Labour are letting consultants run off with £70bn of our money. Constable & Robinson, London.
4. Descartes, R., 1638. Discourse on Method, Part 6.
5. Forster, E.M., 1909. The Machine Stops. In: Forster, E.M. (Ed.), 1997. The Machine Stops and other stories, Andre Deutsch Ltd., London.