1. Keenan v. the UK, ECHR 3 April 2001, no. 27229/95. McGlinchey and others v. the UK, ECHR 29 April 2003, nr. 50390/99. Slimani v. France, ECHR 27 July 2004, no. 57671/00.
2. Ognyanova and Choban v. Bulgaria, ECHR 23 February 2006, nr. 46317/99 (fall from a window in a police station). Tsintsabadze v.Georgia, EHRM 15 February 2011, nr.35403/06 (Murder in detention). W. Duijst & C. Das, Handboek forensische en penitentiaire geneeskunde (Handbook for forensic and penitentiary medicine), Maklu 2011. Recently the Dutch Ombudsman published a report about this issue; Dutch Ombudsman (Nationale Ombudsman), Overlijden in detentie (Death in detention); 2012.
3. Ognyanova and Choban v. Bulgaria, ECHR 23 February 2006, nr. 46317/99. Anguelova v. Bulgaria, EHRM 13 September 2002, no. 38361/97.
4. Slimani v. France, ECHR 27 July 2004, nr.57671/00, § 27.
5. Hugh Jordan v. the UK, ECHR 4 May 2001, nr.24746/94. Ramsahai a.o. v. the Netherlands, ECHR 15 May 2007, nr. 52391/99. McKerr v. the UK, ECHR 4 May 2001, nr.28883/95. Güleç v. Turkey, ECHR 27 July 1998, Reports 1998-IV.