1. Climate Change 2021: the Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,2021
2. https://www.centerforcapitalmarkets.com/resource/climate-change-public-company-perspective-esg-reporting-climate-change-public-company-perspective/(last accessed September 30, 2021).
3. Herein, We Use the Terms ‘biopharmaceutical’ and the Abbreviated ‘biopharma’ to Refer to Traditional Small-Molecule Pharmaceuticals as Well as Biologics and New Modalities.
4. reportThe Lancet Countdown on Climate Change and Health seeks to quantify the impact of climate change on global wellbeing through numerous indicators and reported worsening impacts in their 2019 report. See: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0140673619325966?via%3Dihub (last accessed December 13, 2021).
5. Though challenging on innumerable levels, the COVID-19 pandemic has also offered society some silver linings that could help us become more resilient in the coming years. See: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescommunicationscouncil/2021/09/09/the-environmental-benefits-of-virtual-events/?sh=87935906aacd (last accessed September 30, 2021).