1. Erratum
2. Skin carcinogenicity of condensed asphalt roofing fumes and their fractions following dermal application to mice
3. M.A. Butler, G. Burr, D. Dankovic, A. Lunsford, A. Miller, M. Nguyen, L. Olsen, D. Sharpnack, J. Snawder, L. Stayner, M.H. Sweeney, A. Teass, J. Wess, R. Zumwalde, A report of CDC/NIOSH, Health effects of occupational exposure to asphalt, 2000.
4. C.C. Lutes, R.J. Thomas, R. Burnette, Evaluation of emissions from paving asphalts. Final Report to U.S. EPA, Prepared by Acurex Environmental Corporation, Research Triangle Park, NC, 1994.
5. S. Kimberly, A brief review of “Health Effects Related to Occupational Exposure.” Howard University Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine, 2001.