1. Interaction of laser radiation with free atoms
2. J. Cerne, J. Kono, M.S. Sherwin, M. Sundaram, A.C. Gossard, G.E.W. Bauer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (1996) 1131 and references therein; see also M.S. Salib, H.A. Nickel, G.S. Herold, A. Petrou, B.D. McCombe, R. Chen, K.K. Bajaj, W. Schaff, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (1996) 1135
3. Exciton mixing in quantum wells
4. For a more detailed account, J. Kono, M.Y. Su, K.B. Nordstrom, M.S. Sherwin, S.J. Allen Jr., T. Noda, T. Inoshita, H. Sakaki, Proceedings of SPIE 3153 (1997) 96
5. Similar work using a CCD camera has been recently reported: G.S. Herold et al., to be published in Physica B (Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures, Santa Barbara, USA, July 1997