1. R.C. Rogers, D.P. May, V. Horvat, G. Kim, R. Gutierrez, The Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute Single Event Effect Facility, preprint and private communications
2. Modification of the VICKSI beam profile monitor system for application at low beam intensities
3. M.C. Ross, J.T. Seeman, R.K. Jobe, J.C. Sheppard, R.F. Sterling, Poster presented at the 1985 Particle Accelerator Conference, Vancouver, BC Canada, 13–16 May 1985, SLAC-PUB-3640
4. A scintillating fibre-based profiler for low intensity ion beams
5. A scintillating-fibre hodoscope using a position-sensitive photomultiplier