1. Conception of a Combined Icf Power Plant and a Fission Reactor-Laser Driver
2. R.G. Lipinski, D.A. McArthur, Proceedings of the Second International Conference Physics of Nuclear-Induced Plasmas and Problems of Nuclear-Pumped Lasers Arzamas-16, 26–30 September 1994, Arzamas-16 1 (1995) 44
3. A.V. Karelin, A.A. Sinyanskiy, S.I. Yakovlenko, Kvantovaya elektronika. 24 (1997) 387 [Quantum Electron. 27 (1997) 375]
4. Principles of Lasers;Zvelto,1982
5. Optical Absorption Intensities of Rare-Earth Ions