1. International Standart, IEC-60076-1: 2011—Power Transformers—Part 1: General, Publication date: 20.04.2011, Edition: 3.0, Available from: https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/588.
2. International Standart, HD 428.1 S1:1992— Three-phase oil-immersed distribution transformers 50 Hz, from 50 to 2500 kVA with highest voltage for equipment not exceeding 36 kV — Part 1: General requirements and requirements for transformers with highest voltage for equipment not exceeding 24 kV, Publication date: 13.11.1992, Available from: https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/clc/9ee55690-712a-45d8-b359-6eb94fd61f59/hd-428.1-s1-1992.
3. International Standart, HD 538.1 S1:1992—Three-Phase Dry-Type Distribution Transformers 50 Hz, From 100 to 2 500 kVA, With Highest Voltage for Equipment not Exceeding 36 kV Part 1: General Requirements and Requirements of Transformers With High. Voltage for Equipment Not Exceed, Publication date: 13.11.1992, Available from: https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/clc/ab3b811b-c15d-47d6-ad2b-997abd1685b7/hd-538-1-s1-1992.
4. EN 50464-1: 2007—Three-Phase Oil-Immersed Distribution Transformers 50 Hz, From 50 kVA to 2 500 kVA With Highest Voltage for Equipment Not Exceeding 36 kV—Part 1: General Requirements, 2007, Publication date: 31.07.2007, Available from: https://knowledge.bsigroup.com/products/three-phase-oil-immersed-distribution-transformers-50-hz-from-50-kva-to-2-500-kva-with-highest-voltage-for-equipment-not-exceeding-36-kv-general-requirements?version=standard&tab=history.
5. International Standart, EN 50541-1: 2011—Three Phase Dry-Type Distribution Transformers 50 Hz, From 100 kVA to 3 150 kVA, With Highest Voltage for Equipment Not Exceeding 36 kV—Part 1: General Requirements, Publication date: 31.07.2011, Available from: https://knowledge.bsigroup.com/products/three-phase-dry-type-distribution-transformers-50-hz-from-100-kva-to-3150-kva-with-highest-voltage-for-equipment-not-exceeding-36-kv-general-requirements?version=standard.