1. M.J. Keilhacker and the JET Team, Proc. 14th Int. Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Wurzburg, 1992, Vol. 1, IAEA, Vienna, 1992, p. 15.
2. ITER Director, ITER Outline Design, ITER Technical Advisory Committee (TAC-4), January 1994, ITER Joint Central Team, Garching.
3. M.L. Watkins and the JET Team, Proc. 21st EPS Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Montpellier, 1994, Plasma Phys. Control Fusion 36 (1994) B241
4. P.R. Thomas and the JET Team, Proc. 21st EPS Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Montpellier, 1994, Plasma Phys. Control Fusion 36 (1994) B301
5. A. Tanga and the JET Team, Proc. 21st EPS Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Montpellier, 1994, Plasma Phys. Control Fusion (1994) B39.