1. P. J. Dinner, D.K. Murdoch, M. Iseli, “A Combined Cryogenic and Mechanical Pump for NET Torus Exhaust”, to be published in the Proceedings of the Twelfth International Vacuum Congress, The Hague, Oct 12–16 1992.
2. “The Test of Time”, S2M Magazine, 9 (1991) 3.
3. D.K. Murdoch, D. Perinic and P.J. Dinner “Vacuum System Development for NET Torus Exhaust”, this conf.
4. M. Glugla, KfK, Personal Communication, July 3, 1992.
5. M. Glugla, R.D. Penzhorn, R. Rodriguez, D. Herbrechter, “Design of a Catalytic Plasma Exhaust Gas Clean-up Facility for NET II”. Final Report 322/88–8/FU-D, KfK Karlsruhe. (NET No. 88–173).