1. M. Jurič, G. Bohm, J. Klabuhn, U. Krecker, F. Wysotski, G. Coremans-Bertrand, J. Sacton, G. Wilquet, T. Cantwell, F. Esmad, A. Montwill, D.H. Davis, D. Kiełczewska, T. Pniewski, T. Tymieniecka, J. Zakrzewski, A New Determination of the Binding Energy Values of the Light Hypernuclei (A ≤ 15), to be published.
2. The identification of a double hyperfragment
3. He6ΛΛDouble Hyperfragment
4. A compilation of binding energy values of light hypernuclei
5. A determination of the binding-energy values of light hypernuclei