1. C.J.S. Damerell (for the LCFI collaboration), A CCD based Vertex Detector for TESLA, preprint LC-DET-2001-023;
2. Part III of the TESLA Technical Design Report, DESY 2001-011, March 2001;
3. M. Caccia et al., Characterisation of Hybrid Pixel Detectors with capacitive charge division, contribution to the Linear Collider Workshop 2000, FNAL, October 24-28, 2000;
4. Y. Gornushkin et al., proceedings of the 6th Conference on Position Sensitive Detectors, Leicester, September 9-13, 2002;
5. P. Fischer at al., A DEPFET based pixel vertex detector for the detector at TESLA, preprint LC-DET-2002-004;