1. AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT and ADVISORY SERVICE (ADAS) (1982). Foot Lameness in Cattle. MAFF/ADAS Taunton Dairy Commodity Group
2. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (ARC) (1980). The Nutrient Requirements of Ruminant Livestock. A Technical Report by an Agricultural Research Council Working Party. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Slough, England
3. ALBRIGHT, J.L. (1978). The behaviour and management of high yielding dairy cows. Paper at Dairy Conference sponsored by BOCM Silcock at the Skyways Hotel, Heathrow, 30 January 1978
4. BABER, P.L. (1982). Input-Output relationships for Jerseys. Paper presented at the National Conference of the Jersey Cattle Society, Berkshire College of Agriculture, Maidenhead, November, 1982