1. Finger materials test data analysis and correlation report, CDRL No. 500G(H-9)C, Rohr Industries Inc., April 6, 1976.
2. Test data analysis and correlation report, SES-100B, Finger motions and finger drag, Report No. 7.593–925003, Bell Aerospace Textron (Navy Contract N00024–75-C-5034 Mod P00022, Sept. 1978.
3. Arctic surface effect vehicle program, Report No. 7416–960001, Vol. 3, (Task 2.1.2(b) Arctic SEV Skirt Materials Development), Bell Aerospace Textron, Feb. 1973.
4. P.K. Conn, I.C. Snell, and W. Klemens, Finger materials for air cushion vehicles, Vol. I: Flexible coatings for finger materials, David Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center, DTNSRDC 85/003.
5. Skirt material specifications for hovercraft vehicles, British Hovercraft Corporation.