1. M. M. Lehman, “Process Models, Process Programming, Programming Support,” in Proc. of the 9th Int'l ACM-SIGSOFT/IEEE-CS Conference on Software Engineering, Monterey, CA, pp. 14–16, Mar. 1987. (Response to an ICSE199 Keynote Address by Leon Osterweil).
2. D. E. Perry, ed., Proc. 5th Int'l Software Process Workshop – ISPW'5, (Kennebunkport, Maine, USA), IEEE Computer Society Press, Oct. 1989.
3. Managing The Software Process;Humphrey,1989
4. J.-C. Derniame, ed., Proc. from EWSPT1992, Sept. 7–8 1992, Trondheim, Norway, Springer Verlag LNCS 635, Sept. 1992.
5. R. Conradi, C. Fernström, A. Fuggetta, and R. Snowdon, “Towards a Reference Framework for Process Concepts,” in J.-C. Derniame (ed.): Proc. from EWSPT1992, Sept. 7–8, Trondheim, Norway, Springer Verlag LNCS 635, pp. 3–17, Sept. 1992.