1. Mechanical fault diagnosis and condition monitoring. R.A. Collacott, Chapmann & Hall, 1976. pp. 260–263.
2. The development, proving and application of an in-line metal particle detector (MPD). R.A. Mason, Condition Monitoring 84, Pineridge Press, 1984, pp. 637–659.
3. An improved magnetic plug for continuous monitoring of wear debris. Robert W. Bogue, Condition Monitoring 84, Pineridge Press, 1984 pp. 628–635.
4. Advances in quantitative analytical ferrography and the evaluation of a high gradient magnetic separator for the study of diesel engine wear. David N. Andersen, Christopher J. Hubert, John H. Johnson. Wear 90, pp. 297–333, 1983.
5. Wear debris analysis for machinery health monitoring. G. Pocock, Annual Conference, Birmingham, Sept. 1978.