1. The cited papers were not selected from the viewpoint of providing a complete literature support of the thoughts set forth in this lecture, but merely to present some recent deliberations and research results of colleagues for further supplementing certain statements. The few references, cited in the text and marked with the letter P, relate to the respective papers as announced in the Final Programme (Fourth Circular) for the Congress*.
2. * P3 to be published in this journal; P11, P14, P26, P27, P43, P103, P150 to be published in Environ. Qual. Safety; P279, P473 to be published in Res. Rev.
3. Reports of the Joint Meetings of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues:
4. (a) 1968: FAO Agric. Studies No. 78, Rome (1969).
5. Wld Hlth Org. Techn. Rep. Ser. No. 417, Geneva (1969).