1. US General Accounting Office, National Practitioner Data Bank: Major Improvements Are Needed to Enhance Data Bank’s Reliability, GAO-01-130, Nov. 2000 (provides an overview of the NPDB and discusses its limitations) Accessed September 12, 2023.
2. Federation of State Medical Boards, Report of the Special Committee on Physician Profiling, 2000 (http://www.fsmb.org) (a lengthy document that provides a detailed review of recommended physician profile components) Accessed September 12, 2023.
3. E.M. Stone, J. Heinold, L.M. Ewing & S.C. Schoenbaum, Program on Health Care Quality Improvement: Accessing Physician Information on the Internet (New York: The Commonwealth Fund, 2002) (describes the nature and types of profiling data and provides a comprehensive and detailed list of regional and nationwide databases).
4. S. Greenfield, S.H. Kaplan, R. Kahn, et al., Profiling Care Provided by Different Groups of Physicians: Effects of Patient Case-Mix (Bias) and Physician-Level Clustering on Quality Assessment Results, 136 Ann. Intern. Med. 111-121 (2002) (provides examples of the difficulty in using clinical data sets to assess physician performance quality).
5. G. Gillespie, Medical Errors Reporting and Prevention: Weathering the Storm Ahead, Health Data Management 60–61 (Feb. 2001) (describes the basis for the growing interest in reporting systems and provides examples of existing systems).