1. S. Marich and D. C. Davis, Proc. 3rd Int. Heavy Haul Railway Conf., Vancouver, BC, 1986, Paper IV-58, pp. 661–669.
2. C. J. Epp, Proc. 3rd Int. Heavy Haul Railway Conf., Vancouver, BC, 1986, Paper IB-6, pp. 75–82.
3. C. J. Epp and M. D. O'Rourke, Proc. 4th Int. Heavy Haul Railway Conf., Brisbane, 1989, The Institution of Engineers, Barton, Australia, pp. 402–408.
4. P. J. Mutton and S. Marich, Proc. 3rd Int. Heavy Haul Railway Conf., Vancouver, BC, 1986, Paper IA-2, pp. 32–45.
5. D. H. Skinner and P. A. Judd, Proc. 34th Ann. Conf. of the Australasian Institute of Metals, Surfers Paradise, 1981, Australasian Institute of Metals, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 68–72.