1. P. L. Mondino, T. Bonicelli, T. Eriksson, M. Huart, F. Petree, C. Raymond, A. Santagiustina and L. Zannelli; “The PF system enhancement in JET to produce plasma currents up to 7MA with material limiters and up to 4MA with magnetic separatrix, a report on the electrical study”, Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on Fusion Engineering, Monterey, USA, October 1987.
2. E. Bertolini, J. R. Last, P. L. Mondino, P. Noll, A. Santagiustina; “The development of the JET electromagnetic system”, Proceedings of the 14th Symposium of Fusion Technology, pp263–271, Avignon, France, September 1986.
3. J. R. Last, et al; “Upgrading the JET Magnet System for 7MA Plasma”, To be presented at the 8th Topical Meeting on Technology of Fusion Energy, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, October 1988.
4. P. J. Lomas et al; “High current operation in JET”, 15th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating”, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, May 1988.
5. M. Garribba et al; “A dual system for the stabilisation of the vertical plasma position of the JET experiment”, this volume.