1. FEIGL, F., and ANGER, V. Spot Tests in Organic Analysis (7th edn), London (1966)
2. KE, B. Newer Methods of Polymer Characterisation (Polymer Reviews No. 6), New York and London (1964), (includes IR, NMR, DTA)
3. KLINE, G. M. (Ed) Analytical Chemistry of Polymers (High Polymers, Vol. XII), New York and London. Part I Analysis of Monomers and Polymeric Materials (1959), Part III Identification Procedures and Chemical Analysis (1962)
4. FLETT, M. ST. C. Physical Aids to the Organic Chemist, Amsterdam and New York (1962), (chromatography, infra-red spectrometry, NMR and ESR, etc.)
5. TEXTILE INSTITUTE, Identification of Textile Materials (5th edn), Manchester (1965)