1. Stocking J.C. Restraint and care within a confined space. In: Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS). Guidelines for air medical crew education. Dubuque (IA): Kendall/Hunt; 2004. p. 22–1-10
2. Klinker N. Air physiology. In: Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS). Guidelines for air medical crew education. Dubuque (IA): Kendall/Hunt; 2004. p. 14–1-11
3. Bolen R. Patient assessment and preparation. In: Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS). Guidelines for air medical crew education. Dubuque (IA): Kendall/Hunt; 2004. p. 15–1-21
4. Wilson D. Head, neck and facial trauma. In: Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS). Guidelines for air medical crew education. Dubuque (IA): Kendall/Hunt; 2004. p. 26–1-10
5. Carrubba C. Respiratory patients. In: Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS). Guidelines for air medical crew education. Dubuque (IA): Kendall/Hunt; 2004. p. 17–1-18