1. Geometrical Quadrupolar Frustration in DyB4
2. Faraday Force Magnetometer for High-Sensitivity Magnetization Measurements at Very Low Temperatures and High Fields
3. The sample shape for the specific heat measurement was small rectangular prism, of approximate dimensions 0.3×0.3×0.2mm3. Since the net magnetization is very small, the destabilizing effects of the demagnetizing field are negligible.
4. The dimensions of the sample for the magnetization measurements were about 2.1×0.8×0.6mm3. The shortest axis is parallel to the [001] direction. The demagnetizing factor Nc=0.452 along the [001] direction can be estimated assuming that the sample shape is a rectangular prism with a square base lb=lc=0.6mm and a height la=2mm [A. Aharoni, Introduction to the Theory of Ferromagnetism, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1996, p. 116].
5. Anomalous specific heat of CeB6