1. M.W. Evans, Generally covariant unified field theory, (Abramis Academic 2005 and 2006), volumes one to three; ibid. vols. 4 and 5 in preparation 〈www.aias.us〉.
2. L. Felker, The Evans Equations of Unified Field Theory, Abramis Academic, in press 〈www.aias.us〉.
3. H. Eckardt, L. Felker, articles and slides of the 2006 Munich Workshop on 〈www.aias.us〉.
4. M.W. Evans, Papers 71 to 77 on 〈www.aias.us〉 scheduled for volume 5 of ref. (1)〉.
5. M.W. Evans, et al., papers on ECE and precursor gauge theories, Omnia Opera section of 〈www.aias.us〉, 1992 to present, in about twenty three journals.