1. ALA-ASCE. Guidelines for the design of buried steel pipe. American Lifelines Alliance; 2001.
2. ASCE. Guidelines for the seismic design of oil and gas pipeline systems. Committee on Gas and Liquid Fuel Lifelines of the ASCE Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering; 1984.
3. O’Rourke TD, Liu JX. Seismic design of buried and offshore pipelines; 2012.
4. PRCI. Guidelines for the seismic design and assessment of natural gas and liquid hydrocarbon pipelines. Honegger DG, Nyman DJ, editors; 2004.
5. PRCI. Guidelines for constructing natural gas and liquid hydrocarbon pipelines through areas prone to landslide and subsidence hazards. D.G. Honegger Consulting, SSD Inc., 2009.