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3. Cherian T, Arora N, MacDonald N. Perspective: Global Vaccine Action Plan Monitoring, Evaluation and Accountability Framework. (manuscript in same issue of journal).
4. Hwang A, Veira C, Malvolti S, Cherian T, MacDonald N, Steffen C, Jones I, Hinman A, Mantel C. Global Vaccine Action Plan Lessons Learned II: Stakeholder Perspectives (manuscript in same issue of journal).
5. World Health Organization. Global Vaccine Action Plan: Strategic Advisor Group of Experts on Immunization Assessment Report, 2013https://www.who.int/immunization/global_vaccine_action_plan/OMS-IVB-AssessmentReport-20131212v5.pdf?ua=1; 2013 [accessed 16/12/2019].