1. A. Ali, et al., Heavy quark physics at HERA, in: R.D. Peccei (Ed.), Proceedings of the HERA Workshop, DESY, Hamburg, Vol. 1, 1988, p. 395; DESY-88-119.
2. HERA, A Proposal for a Large Electron–Proton Beam Facility at DESY, DESY-HERA-81-10. Technical proposal for the H1 detector, March 1986. Technical proposal for the ZEUS detector, March 1986.
3. Top search strategies for HERA
4. A. Ali, D. Wyler, Heavy quark physics at HERA: introductiin, in: W. Buchmüller, G. Ingelmann (Eds.), Proceedings of Physics at HERA, Hamburg, Oct. 29–30, 1991, p. 669.
5. The intrinsic charm of the proton