1. M. Dietz, L. Liljeryd, K. Kjörling, O. Kunz, Spectral band replication, a novel approach in audio coding, 112th AES Convention, Munich, Germany, May 2002, Preprint #5553.
2. L. Liljeryd, P. Ekstrand, L. Henn, K. Kjörling, Source coding enhancement using spectral-band replication, US Patent Application #7283955 B2, Coding Technology AB, Stockholm, Sweden, October 2003.
3. P. Ekstrand, Bandwidth extension of audio signals by spectral band replication, in: Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Benelux Workshop on Model Based Processing and Coding of Audio (MPCA׳2002), Leuven, Belgium, November 2002, pp. 53–58.
4. O. Shimada, T. Nomura, Y. Takamizawa, M. Serizawa, N. Tanaka, M. Tsushima, T. Norimatsu, C.K. Seng, K.K. Hann, N.S. Hong, A low power SBR algorithm for the MPEG-4 audio standard and its DSP implementation, 116th AES Convention, Berlin, Germany, May 2004, Preprint #6048.
5. H.-W. Hsu, W.-C. Lee, C.-M. Liu, H.-Y. Tseng, C.-H. Yang, High quality, low power QMF bank design for SBR, parametric coding, and MPEG surround decoders, 122nd AES Convention, Vienna, Austria, May 2007, Preprint #7000.