1. Doughty, G., Arnold, S., Barr, N., Brown, M. I., Creanor, L., Donnelly, P. J., Draper, S. W., Duffy, C., Durndell, H., Harrison, M., Henderson, E. P., Jessop, A., McAteer, E., Milner, M., Neil, D. M., Pflicke, T., Pollock, M., Primrose, C., Richard, S., Sclater, N., Shaw, R., Tickner, S., Turner, I., van der Zwan, R. and Watt, H. D., Using Learning Technologies: Interim Conclusions from the TILT Project. TILT project Report No. 3. Robert Clark Centre, University of Glasgow, 1995
2. McAteer, E., Harland, M. and Sclater, N. De Tudo Um Pouco—a little bit of everything. Journal of Active Learning. 3. 10–15. Also a WWW document, URL:http://www.cti.ac.uk/publ/actlea/issue3/mcateer/index.html.
3. Duffy, C., Arnold, S. and Henderson, F. NetSem—electrifying undergraduate seminars. Active Learning. 2, 42–48. Also a WWW document, URL http://www.cti.ac.uk/publ/actlea/issue2/duffy/, 1995
4. Milne, J. D., Do students learn when they use simulations?. In ALT-C’96 Conference. See also abstract [WWW document]URL http://www.csv.warwick.ac.uk/alt-E/alt-C96/papers.html♯five. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K., September 1996
5. Laurillard, D., Rethinking University Teaching: A Framework for the Effective Use of Educational Technology. Routledge, London, 1993