1. Agrium Conda Phosphate Operations, Astaris LLC, Bureau of Land Management, Idaho Department of Lands, J.R. Simplot Company, Monsanto Company, and United States Forest Service, 2005. Selenium Management Practices, A Cooperative Document, http://giscenter-ims.isu.edu/SISP/reports/Se%20Management%20Practices%202006-2005.pdf, accessed June, 2009.
2. Total recoverable selenium and other elements by HNO3 and HClO4 digestion and other soil characterization data from Wooley Valley Units 3 and 4 waste rock dumps and Dairy Syncline lease area soils, southeast Idaho;Amacher,2001
3. The determination of forty elements in geological and botanical samples by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry;Briggs,2002
4. Interagency/industry coordination to respond to Selenium contamination at phosphate mines in southeastern Idaho;Buck,2002
5. General procedure for gaging streams;Carter,1968