1. EREC, 2006. European Renewable Energy Council 〈www.erec-renewables.org〉.
2. IEA, 2006. Energy Prices and Taxes. Quarterly Update, Fourth Quarter 2006. International Energy Agency, IEA/OECD, Paris 〈www.iea.org〉.
3. IEA, 2007a. World Energy Outlook 2007. International Energy Agency, IEA/OECD, Paris 〈www.iea.org〉.
4. IEA, 2007b. Renewables for Heating and Cooling—Untapped Potential. International Energy Agency, OECD/IEA, Paris, October, 204pp. Free download at 〈www.iea.org〉 or 〈www.iea-retd.org〉.
5. IEA, 2007c, Good Practice Guidelines–Bioenergy Project Development and Biomass Supply. International Energy Agency, OECD/IEA, Paris, March, 64pp. Free download at 〈www.iea.org〉.