1. BERR, 2008. UK Renewable Energy Strategy consultation, URN 08/1009 〈www.decc.gov.uk〉.
2. BVG Associates, 2009. Towards Round 3: Building the offshore wind supply chain, a review of the Crown Estate on how to improve delivery of UK offshore wind 〈www.thecrownestate.co.uk/〉.
3. BWEA, 2009. Wind energy in the UK; State of the industry report, October. 〈www.bwea.com〉.
4. Committee on Climate Change, 2010. Building a low carbon economy; the UK’s innovation challenge 〈www.theccc.org.uk〉.
5. DECC (various years) Digest of UK Energy Statistics. 〈www.decc.gov.uk〉.