1. ACEA, 2003. ACEA's Statement on the potential for additional CO2 reduction, with a view to moving further towards the Community's objective of 120g CO2/km by 2012. Note to the European Commission of 27 November 2003, Brussels.
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3. COWI, 2002. Fiscal measures to reduce CO2 emissions from new passenger cars. Final Report to the European Commission's Directorate-General for Environment, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark. Also at http://europa.eu.int/comm/taxation_customs/resources/documents/co2_cars_study_25-02-2002.pdf.
4. De Ceuster, G., Van Herbruggen, B., Logghe, S., Proost, S., 2004. TREMOVE 2.2 Model and baseline description. Report for European Commission—Directorate General for the Environment, version of 7 December 2004, Leuven, Belgium. Also at http://www.tremove.org/downloadv22/downloadv22.htm.
5. DeCicco, J., An, F., Ross, M., 2001. Technical options for improving the fuel economy of US cars and light trucks by 2010–2015 American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Report T012. Also at http://www.aceee.org/pubs/t012.htm.