1. ABNT NBR 6601:2005 (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards). Light duty automotive highway vehicles—determination of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulate matter in exhaust gas. On line: 〈http://www.abnt.org.br/〉.
2. ABNT NBR 7024 , 2006 (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards). Light duty automotive highway vehicles—Fuel consumption measurement—Testing method. On line: 〈http://www.abnt.org.br/〉.
3. An, F., Decicco, J.M. , Ross, M.R. , 2001. Assessing the Fuel Economy Potential of Light-Duty Vehicles. SAE Technical Paper Series, 2001-01-2482.
4. ANFAVEA (National Automaker Association), 2009. Brazilian Automotive Yearbook 2009. See also: 〈http://www.anfavea.com.br/anuario.html〉.
5. ANP (Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels National Agency), 2009. Relatório Mensal de Acompanhamento de Mercado – Maio de 2009 Gasolina Comum. Available at: 〈http://www.anp.gov.br〉.