1. ADB, 1999. Report and recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a proposed loan to the Kingdom of Nepal for the Rural Electrification, Distribution and Transmission Project, Asian Development Bank, Manila (see http://www.adb.org/Documents/RRPs/NEP/rrp-R15697.pdf, last visited on 15 July 2005).
2. ADB, 2000. Report and recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on proposed loans to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for the Energy Sector Restructuring Program, Asian Development Bank, Manila (see http://www.adb.org/Documents/RRPs/PAK/rrp-32146-pak.pdf, last visited on 10 July 2005).
3. ADB, 2002. Report and recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on the proposed loans to the Democratic Socialist republic of Sri Lanka for Power Sector Development Programme, Asian Development Bank, Manila.
4. ADB, 2002a. Pakistan: Country Strategy and Program 2002–2006, Asian Development Bank, Manila (see http://www.adb.org/Documents/CSPs/PAK/2002/default.asp, last visited on 15 July 2005).
5. ADB. 2004. Project Completion Report on the Second Power System Expansion (Sector) Project in Sri Lanka, Asian Development Bank, Manila.