1. Bohlin, H., Sandberg, P., 2001. Conflict or consensus regarding common resource pools—a study of the district heating systems in Göteborg and Sundsvall (In Swedish: Konflikt eller konsensus kring gemensamma resurspooler—en studie av fjärrvärmesystemen i Göteborg och Sundsvall). Program Energy Systems, Report No. 16, IKP, Linköping University.
2. Caddet (Centre for the Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies), 1999. Industrial symbiosis—waste for one company is added value for another. Caddet energy efficiency IEA/OECD, Brochure No. R363. See also http://www.caddet.org/public/uploads/pdfs/Brochure/r363.pdf.
3. Directive (In Swedish Direktiv) 2002. District heating in the heat market (In Swedish: Fjärrvärme på värmemarknaden, p. 160. See also http://www.sou.gov.se/fjarrvarme/Direktiv/index.htm.
4. District Heating Association (In Swedish: Svensk Fjärrvärme), 2002. Industrial waste heat—Processes and potential 2002. (In Swedish: Industriell spillvärme—Processes and potentials 2002), Stockholm.
5. District Heating Association (In Swedish: Svensk Fjärrvärme), 2003. Statistics 2002, Stockholm. See also http://www.fjarrvarme.org/index.php3?use=publisher&id=30.