1. B. de Vleeschauwer, W. van de Meerssche, P. Simoens, F. de Turck, B. Dhoedt, P. Demeester, K. Struyve, T. van Caenegem, E. Gilon, H. Dequeker, E. Six, Enabling autonomic access network QoE management through TCP monitoring, in: Proceedings of the First IEEE Workshop on Autonomic Communications and Management (ACNM), 2007.
2. P. Simoens, B. de Vleeschauwer, W. van de Meerssche, F. de Turck, B. Dhoedt, P. Demeester, T. van Caeneghem, K. Struyve, H. Dequeker, E. Gilon, RTP connection monitoring for enabling autonomic access network QoS management, in: Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC), 2007.
3. B. de Vleeschauwer, P. Simoens, W. van de Meerssche, S. Latré, F. de Turck, P. Dhoedt, B. Demeester, S. van den Berghe, E. Gilon, T. van Caenegem, Autonomic QoE optimization on the access node, in: Proceedings of the Broadband Europe, 2007.
4. P. Simoens, S. Latré, B. de Vleeschauwer, W. van de Meerssche, F. de Turck, B. Dhoedt, P. Demeester, S. van den Berghe, E. Gilon, Design of an autonomic QoE reasoner for improving access network performance, in: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS), 2008.
5. D.D. Clark, C. Partridge, C.J. Ramming, J.T. Wroclawski, A Knowledge Plane for the Internet, in: SIGCOMM’03: Proceedings of the 2003 Conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communications, ACM Press, 2003, pp. 3–10.