1. European Commission. The Green Paper on the Regulatory Implications, COM(97) 623: Green paper on the convergence of the telecommunications, media and information technology sectors, and the implications for regulation toward an information society approach, Brussels, 1997. Available at http://www.ispo.cec.be/convergencegp/97623.html.
2. See, for instance, McKnight, L. and Leida, B., Internet telephony: costs, pricing, and policy. Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, Virginia, 27–29 September 1997; Sears, A., The effect of Internet telephony on the long distance voice market. Internet Telephony Consortium, MIT, April 1996. Available at http://rpcp.mit.edu/∼itel/ldeffect.html; Cawley, R., Internet, lies and telephony. Telecommunications Policy, 1997, 21(6), 513–532; Clark, D., Adding service discrimination to the Internet. 1995. Available at http://itel.mit.edu:/itel/publications.html#:recenet; Tarjanne, P., The Internet and the information infrastructure: What’s the difference? Pacific Telecommunications Conference, Honolulu, 1996. Available at http://www.itu.int/itudoc/osg/ptspeech/the me/env/ptc96–pt–30021.html.
3. Introduction to Internet Telephony. PhoneZone.Com, 1997. Available at http://www.phonezone.com/tutorial/it-intro.htm.
4. Gareiss, R., Voice over IP services: the sound decision. Data Communications, March, 1998, 75–84.
5. McConnell, B., IP Telephony in the local loop. Computer Telephony, April, 1998, 30–37.