1. Proposal for Measuring theπ0Lifetime byπ0Production in Electron-Electron or Electron-Positron Collisions
2. Evidence for electron-positron pair electroproduction
3. D. Antreasyan, H. W. Bartels, D. Besset, Ch. Bieler, J. K. Bienlein, A. Bizzeti, E. D. Bloom, T. Brock, K. Brockmüller, R. Cabenda, A. Cartacci, M. Cavalli-Sforza, R. Clare, A. Compagnucci, G. Conforto, S. Cooper, R. Cowan, D. Coyne, G. Drews, A. Engler, K. H. Fairfield, G. Folger, A. Fridman, J. Gaiser, D. Gelphman, G. Glaser, G. Godfrey, F. H. Heimlich, R. Hofstadter, J. Irion, Z. Jakubowski, K. Karch, S. Keh, H. Kilian, I. Kirkbride, T. Kloiber, M. Kobel, W. Koch, A. C. König, K. Königsmann, R. W. Kraemer, S. Krüger, G. Landi, R. Lee, S. Leffler, R. Lekebusch, W. Lockman, S. Lowe, B. Lurz, D. Marlow, H. Marsiske, W. Maschmann, P. McBride, F. Messing, W. J. Metzger, H. Meyer, B. Monteleoni, R. Nernst, B. Niczyporuk, G. Nowak, C. Peck, P. G. Pelfer, B. Pollock, F. C. Porter, D. Prindle, P. Ratoff, M. Reidenbach, B. Renger, C. Rippich, M. Scheer, P. Schmitt, J. Schotanus, J. Schütte, A. Schwartz, F. Selonke, D. Sievers, T. Skwarnicki, V. Stock, K. Strauch, U. Strohbusch, J. Tomkins, H. J. Trost, R. T. Van de Walle, H. Vogel, A. Voigt, U. Volland, K. Wachs, K. Wacker, W. Walk, H. Wegener, D. A. Williams, and P. Zschorsch. California Institute of Technology; University of California, Santa Cruz; Carnegie-Mellon University; Cracow Institute of Nuclear Physics, Poland; Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, Germany; Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany; Insutoto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare and University of Firenze, Florence, Italy; Universität Hamburg, I: Institut für Experimentalphysik, Hamburg, Germany; Harvard University; University of Nijmegen and Nationaal Instituut voor Kernfysica en Hoge-Energiefysica, Nijmegen, The Netherlands; Princeton University; Department of Physics, High Energy Physics Laboratory, and Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford University; Universität Würzburg, Wurzburg, Germany.
4. Formation of the pseudoscalarsπ0,η, and η’ in the reactionγγ→γγ
5. Dominant Colliding-Beam Cross Sections at High Energies