1. See, for example
Women, Elections, and Representation
Longman, Inc
New York
Susan Carroll, Women As Candidates in American Politics. (1985) Indiana University Press. Bloomington. Susan Welch, Recruitment of Women to Public Office: A Discriminant Analysis. Western Political Quarterly 31 (1978) 372–380. Susan Welch, Albert Karning, Correlates of Female Office Holding in City Politics. Journal of Politics 41 (1979) 478–491. Janet Clark, Charles Hadley, Robert Darcy, Political Ambition Among Men and Women State Party Leaders. American Politics Quarterly 117 (1989) 194–207. Paula J. Dubeck, Women and Access to Political Office: A Comparison of Female and Male State Legislators. The Sociological Quarterly 17 (1976) 42–51. Susan Welch, Margery Ambrosius, Janet Clark, Robert Darcy, The Effect of Candidate Gender on Election Outcomes in State Legislative Races. Western Political Quarterly 38 (1985) 464–475. Carol Nechemias, Changes in the Election of Women to U.S. State legislative Seats. Legislative Studies Quarterly 12 (1987) 125–141. Wilma Rule, Why More Women Are State Legislators: A Research Note. Western Political Quarterly 43 (1990) 437–448.