1. The coordination chemistry of tripodal tetraamine ligands
2. Self-consistent perturbation theory of diamagnetism
3. ORTEP-3 for Windows - a version ofORTEP-III with a Graphical User Interface (GUI)
4. Frisch, M.J., Trucks, G.W., Schlegel, H.B., Scuseria, G.E., Robb, M.A., Cheeseman, J.R., Zakrzewski, V.G., Montgomery Jr., J.A., Stratmann, R.E., Burant, J.C., Dapprich, S., Millam, J.M., Daniels, A.D., Kudin, K.N., Strain, M.C., Farkas, O., Tomasi, J., Barone, V., Cossi, M., Cammi, R., Mennucci, B., Pomelli, C., Adamo, C., Clifford, S., Ochterski, J., Petersson, G.A., Ayala, P.Y., Cui, K., Morokuma, Q., Salvador, P., Dannenberg, J.J., Malick, D.K., Rabuck, A.D., Raghavachari, K., Foresman, J.B., Cioslowski, J., Ortiz, J.V., Stefanov, B.B., Liu, G., Liashenko, A., Piskorz, P., Komaromi, I., Gomperts, R., Martin, R.L., Fox, D., Keith, T., Al-Laham, M.A., Peng, C.Y., Nanayakkara, A., Gonzalez, C., Challacombe, M., Gill, P.M.W., Johnson, B., Che, W., Wong, M.W., Andres, J.L., Gonzalez, C., Head-Gordon, M., Replogle, E.S., Pople, J.A., GAUSSIAN 2003.
5. Preparation and Absorption and Circular Dichroism Spectra of Cobalt(III) Complexes withN,N,N′,N′-Tetrakis(2-aminoethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine, -1,3-propanediamine, -1,4-butanediamine, and -(R,R)-and -(R,S)- 2,4-pentanediamine