1. D.M. Blake, Bibliography of work on the photocatalytic removal of hazardous compounds from water and air. NREL/TP-430-6084, (1994). Update Number 1 To June 1995 NREL/TP-473-20300 (1995). Update Number 2 to October 1996 NREL/TP-430-22197 (1996). National Technical Information Service, US Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA22161, USA (1997).
2. Solar photocatalytic mineralization of commercial pesticides: Methamidophos
3. Enhancement of the rate of solar photocatalytic mineralization of organic pollutants by inorganic oxidizing species
4. Solar photocatalytic processes for the purification of water: State of development and barriers to commercialization
5. J. Blanco, S. Malato, F. Carmona, F. Martı́nez, in: Proc. 7th Int. Symp. on Solar Thermal Concentrating Technologies, Moscow, September 1994, p. 468.