1. Exact results for N = 2 compactifications of heterotic strings
2. Second-quantized mirror symmetry
3. M. Billó, R. D'Auria, S. Ferrara, P. Frè, P. Soriani and A. Van Proeyen, R-symmetry and the topological twist of N = 2 effective supergravities of heterotic strings, to be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, preprint hep-th/9505123.
4. M. Billó, A. Ceresole, R. D'Auria, S. Ferrara, P. Frè, T. Regge, P. Soriani and A. Van Proeyen, A search for non-perturbative dualities of local N = 2 Yang-Mills theories from Calabi-Yau three-folds, to appear in Class and Quant. Grav., preprint hep-th/9506075,
5. Perturbative prepotential and monodromies in N = 2 heterotic superstring