1. D. Ward, Provisional plant parameters for Power Plant Conceptual Study Models A & B, Report PPCS/UKAEA/PPCS 1.1, September, 2001.
2. M. Loughlin, UKAEA Culham, Neutron source for initial design phase of the Power Plant Conceptual Study, Personal Communication, September, 2001.
3. J.P. Briesmeister (Ed.), MCNP-A General Monte Carlo N-particle Transport Code, Version 4C, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Report LA-13709-M, April, 2000.
4. P. Sardain et al., Power Plant Conceptual Study-WCLL concept, this conference.
5. S. Hermsmeyer, S. Malang, Lay-out of the He-cooled solid breeder plant model in the European power plant conceptual study, this conference.