1. P. Ladd, ITER Design Description Document DDD WBS 3.1, July 1998.
2. P. Ladd, C. Ibbott, G. Janeschitz, E. Martin, Design of the RTO/RC-ITER primary pumping system (this Conference).
3. C. Day, H. Haas, N.T. Kazakovsky et al., Summarized results of the cryosorption panel test programme for the ITER cryopumping system, in: Proc. 17th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Yokohama, Japan, October 1998 vol. 3 1073–1076.
4. D.K. Murdoch, C. Day, P. Gierszewski, R.-D. Penzhorn, C.H. Wu, Tritium inventory issues for future reactors; choices, parameters, limits, in: 20th SOFT, Marseille, France, September 1998, Fusion Eng. Des. 46 (1999) 2–4, 255–271.
5. C. Day, A. Mack, D. Murdoch, D. Röhrig, The experimental basis for the ITER cryopump regeneration concept, in: Proc. 20th SOFT, Marseille, France, September 1998, pp. 921–924.