1. Funes-Gallanzi M, Bryanston-Cross PJ, Chana KS. Wake region measurement of a highly three-dimensional nozzle guide vane tested at DRA Pyestock using particle image velocimetry. ASME 94-GT-349, 1994
2. Funes-Gallanzi M, Bryanston-Cross PJ, Udrea DD. High accuracy techniques applied to the extraction of absolute position estimates in a 3DPIV system. VIIth Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, 1994
3. Advances of the Warwick real-time digit 3DPIV system for turbomachinery research;Funes-Gallanzi;ASME FED,1995
4. Udrea DD, Bryanston-Cross PJ, Guenette G, Epstein A. Whole-field visualisation and velocity measurement of an instantaneous transonic turbine flow, in preparation
5. Holmberg DG, Pestian DJ. Wall-jet turbulent boundary layer heat flux, velocity, and temperature spectra and time scales. ASME 96-GT-529, June 10–13, 1996