1. Whittaker, I. C. and Besuner, P. M., A reliability analysis approach to fatigue life variability of aircraft structures. Air Force Materials Laboratory Technical Report AFML-TR-69-65, April 1969.
2. Whittaker, I. C., Development of titanium and steel fatigue variability model for application of reliability analysis approach to aircraft structures. Air Force Materials Laboratory Technical Report AFML-TR-72-236, October 1972.
3. Broek, D., Damage tolerance in practice, AGARD Lecture Series No. 97 on Fatigue Mechanics in Practice. Delft, The Netherlands, October 1978.
4. Craig, L. E. and Goranson, U. G., Airworthiness assessment of Boeing jet transport structures. 10th Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue (ICAF), Brussels, Belgium, May 1979.
5. Goranson, U. G., Hall, J., Maclin, J. R. and Watanabe, R. T., Long life damage tolerant jet transport structures. ASTM Symposium on Design of Fatigue and Fracture Resistant Structures, November 10–11, 1980.