1. **T. Fennelly & Associates, Advancing Green Chemistry: Barriers to Adoption & Ways to Accelerate Green Chemistry in Supply Chains, http://greenchemistryandcommerce.org/assets/media/images/Publications/Advancing-Green-Chemistry-Report-15-June-2015.pdf, 2015 (accessed 24.06.16. The author provides a detailed overview of the barriers to and accelerators for green chemistry. The report outlines a number of opportunities to overcome barriers to green chemistry adoption
2. Making the Business & Economic Case for Safer Chemistry;Trucost,2015
3. Public Economy Research Institute. The Economic Benefits of a Green Chemical Industry in the United States Renewing Manufacturing Jobs while Protecting Health and the Environment;Heintz,2011
4. **Green Chemistry and Commerce Council, Agenda to Mainstream Green Chemistry, http://www.greenchemistryandcommerce.org/documents/An_Agenda_to_Mainstream_Green_Chemistry.pdf, 2015 (accessed 24.06.16). This report provides a detailed review of the business case and strategies for mainstreaming green chemistry in the marketplace.
5. Information about the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge;United States Environmental Protection Agency,2016